CameraSim 3D screenshot

A New CameraSim...

This is an early work-in-progress for the next version of CameraSim. I’m sharing this publicly to get feedback on what to build (and whether to build it).


To build a fun and immersive camera simulator for photography students who don’t otherwise have access to camera equipment.


🤓 In-Progress:

  • Subject motion blur

⏳ To-Do:

  • Exposure compensation
  • White balance
  • On-camera flash
  • Tripod stabilization
  • Time-of-day lighting
  • Multiple camera bodies
  • Better 3D scene(s)
  • Multiple scenes
  • Multi-language support

✅ Complete:

  • Multiple lenses
  • Downloadable photos
  • Portrait orientation
  • Exposure system (ISO, aperture, shutter speed)
  • Viewfinder HUD (exposure meter, etc)
  • Camera shake blur
  • Stand, kneel, and prone postures
  • Focus system
  • Depth-of-field
  • Simple test scene
  • Focal length control
  • Basic locomotion
  • Photo capture
  • Camera and movement sounds